“Trademark” means a symbol of trade represented graphically, which is capable of distinguishing one’s goods or services from others and may include shape of goods, their packaging and combination of colours, a word signature, name, device, label, sound, etc

The advantage of registering a trademark is that it can create an unique identity and protect the goodwill of products or services of a businessman. The businessman can restrain others from illegally using his trademark, infringing upon its business proprietary rights and sue for damages. Registration of trademark confers upon the applicant exclusive rights to the use the trademark in the class in which the goods or services mark was registered. The Applicant can impose sign on his trademark upon application and after registration thereof the applicant can use the symbol ®on his trademark to signify the consumers that it is a protected and reputed brand.

The following are few types of trademarks that can be registered in India :-

  • Any name, personal or surname, which is not unusual for trade to adopt as a mark.
  • Trademark of a newly invented word or combination of work or a dictionary word or words or Monograms
  • Letters or Words or numerals or any combination of all.
  • Label including fancy artwork or design or symbols making it distinct and unique represented graphically
  • Combination of colours or a single colour in combination with a word or label
  • Shape of goods
  • Packaging on goods
  • 3D marks.
  • Sound marks

Our Trade mark agents guide you through the process on trademark registration and assist you in registration. More than a mechanical approach in registration of a trademark, our TM agents provide inputs on your trademark and possibility of being granted registration.

We assist in :-

  • Trademark Evaluation
  • Filing Trademark Application
  • Reply to Examination Report of Trademark Office
  • Drafting and Filing Objections against any opposition raised by any person
  • Arguments before Trademark Registry
  • Filing Suit for Permanent Injunction and Damages against any trademark infringement