Environment Law
Our firm is acknowledged in Karnataka for its pro-bono work and especially Bangalore for efforts to save the environment. In our 25 years of existence, various Public Interest Litigations to save Cubbon Park, Lalbagh, Jayanagar Park, etc were filed to change government agendas to save the garden city.
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Need to Amend Bye-Laws of Apartment Association in Bengaluru
Bye-laws are a set of rules and regulations to govern Apartments. But what can you do when the Bye Laws are outdated?
Common Issues Faced by Apartment Associations in Bengaluru
Top Challenges Apartment Associations Face in Bengaluru: Outdated bye-laws, unresolved disputes, and modern-day governance hurdles threaten community harmony.
Appointment of Arbitrator under the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 governs the process of arbitration proceedings in India. The appointment of an arbitrator is generally governed under the contract between the parties. An Arbitral Tribunal can be consist of Sole Arbitrator or Three Arbitrators wherein both parties appoint an arbitrator and the arbitrators appoint an Umpire. The number of
Pre-Litigation Mediation
Pre-Litigation Mediation is a process by which two parties come together to settle their dispute in an amicable manner without approaching the Courts. This is achieved with the help of an impartial adjudicator. Any party can opt for mediation and strive to achieve a settlement to resolve their dispute by means of negotiations, friendly discussions
Open Letter to Chief Justice of India – Delay in case disposal
Date: 21.11.2022 To, Chief Justice of India, #5, Krishna Menon Marg, Sunehri Bagh, New Delhi, India Minister of Law and Justice 4th Floor, A-Wing, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001. Sir/ Madam, Subject: Request for instruction to all Judges/ Judicial Officers to pass Orders in all matters heard in full length There is always a